Fabiola Alarcón es una artista visual y rapera chilena que se hizo conocida por la presentación de su tema «Vagina Dentada» en un programa de televisión, sumando más de un millón de visitas entre Facebook y YouTube. Se autodenomina Planta Carnívora porque dice que es un eufemismo de Vagina Dentada, que es también el nombre de su primer álbum producido por Marcelo Miopec (MKRNI) en el 2012.
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Collaborate with us
Send your contribution
Ruidosa is an invitation. We want to open a space for conversation, collaboration, creativity and commentary on pop culture today. So, send us your collaboration to hola@somosruidosa.com - Include your name, social networks, city and country of residence. The title of the email should read COLABORACIÓN SOMOS RUIDOSA. Don't forget to add a specific title for each post!
We are always looking for:
Photoreports, illustrations, collages, comics, videos and other graphic and audiovisual pieces. Send us a description of your collaboration, information you are interested in publishing and a link to download the images.
2. LEE
We accept all types of writing: fiction, non-fiction, reportage, chronicles, articles, testimonials, poetry, and more.
If you are a musician, composer or singer, share with us your songs and/or upcoming events or releases so we can support you in spreading the word.
By sending us your collaboration we will try to get back to you as soon as possible! Please remember that we are working for you :)
There is no problem if you send us something that has already been or will be published in another media / platform as long as you tell us when and where it will be or was published.
We reserve the right to publish or not to publish material received according to our editorial line.