At Ruidosa we are interested in identifying the gender gap/gender inequality in the creative industries and promoting the empowerment of women.
In the framework of Fluvial we talked about the new indie model: demystifying its processes, possibilities, challenges and the need to promote the inclusion and visibility of women in the world of music and culture.
What does it mean to be independent today? How do you build careers for project diversity? What models and formulas exist?
We seek to promote and make visible a multiplicity of different types of careers. We will address the new paradigm in music and culture, management, issues associated with the development of artists' projects and projects, managementmanagement, labels, booking and management of cultural spaces.
How do we democratize the processes and make them more inclusive and locally inserted, but with international potential?
The conversation was led by outstanding professionals in their fields who promote gender inclusion from their work positions.
All photos by Carlos H. Juica / Fluvial